Embroidery digitizers are the rarest breed of professionals today and perhaps the greatest need of the future. When you learn how to digitize embroidery, you join the professionals who make lives easy for their customers. Just like Absolute Digitizing, a world class digitizing agency making machine embroidery easy since more than 20 years. We offer high quality digitized files for as low as $10.
Whether you own an embroidery machine or you are to hire a commercial embroiderer. A digitalized image of your chosen design, business logo or custom art is required. Without the file, the process cannot commence because to these machines, all other file formats are unrecognized. Unlike the PC or a mobile phone which can access multiple file formats, these machines have limited file acceptance.
If you are not a machine owner, chances are, you are here because of your commercial embroiderer. They must have asked for a machine readable file format which obviously can be made on demand. Such files are not readily available and you need the services of an accomplished digitizer. The professional who converts images, digital art, business logos and custom art into digitalized files.
To become a digitizer, it is important that you teach yourself the skill of digitizing. You might have noticed the word “teach yourself” used here. It is because digitizing for embroidery is not a subject taught in school or any educational institute. You have to be self motivated to learn the skill from various books and online resources. Thanks to the wide availability of the internet, learning a new skill is only a matter of motivation. There is plenty of educational material available such as this very blog you are reading right now. Without further ado, let’s begin.
Before we begin, it is important to understand that embroidery digitalized files cannot be ‘just’ created. You cannot get a machine readable file from an online converter, a mobile app or any software claiming automatic conversion. Chances are, you might have come across such websites and apps during your research on learn how to digitize embroidery. It is best to avoid such links and apps because they are a waste of time and money.
To get started with digitizing, you need to have a PC. It should be good enough to run modern programs, a modern one is recommended. If you do not own a PC, it is time to buy one. We recommend you do some research before making a purchase because you will be spending hundreds of dollars. Once you own a new PC, it is time to find a digitizing software for you.
Today, there is a wide variety of software to choose from. Many different developers have come up with their own versions. Every software serves the same purpose, to assist their users and create custom files. However, they each have a specialty of their own which makes them a better alternate. At times, even the professionals use a combination of different software to bring finesse in their project.
Choosing the right software can be a difficult task when you are just getting started with digitizing. Therefore, download multiple free embroidery digitizing software and have a look around it. Analyze if any of them fulfills your requirements and when you find the right one, ignore the rest for now. You will need a licensed version of the chosen software because the free version is time limited. After a few days you will no longer be able to access the free software.
Now that everything is set in place, it is time to get started with conversion process. After all, it is the very reason why you have gone through a hefty investment. By now, you probably have spent hundreds of dollars on procuring a modern PC or a laptop. And, you have also invested a considerable amount in obtaining the license for the software to digitize for embroidery.
Now starts your journey to learn how to create custom files. Since you are not an expert yet, it is recommended to begin your training with a simple image. Search for an image in your computer or on your choice of web browser. It does not have to be of the highest resolution. Ensure that your chosen image does not have unwanted elements in the background.
Import the image within the software to start digitizing it. Always start with the image outline and then move towards the inside. Remember, every movement you make gets recorded and the machine will follow the same pattern. Hence, you need to be careful with the choices you make. When you mark the borders first, it gives the fabric stability during the sew out.
We recommend you to go through the software’s tutorial before starting to make your file. It will help you recognize the useful tools that are to be used often during the digitalization process. You should also gather as much information about how to apply the initial settings. Most people fail at managing the push and pull compensation which plays a vital role in machine sew out.
The more knowledge you gain, the better you get at file conversion. Remember that there is no such thing as automatic digitizing. The entire process is manual and the quality of the file depends on you only.
If you read anywhere that you can become an accomplished digitizer overnight, then you need to report it for misleading. The reality is, when you start to learn how to digitize embroidery you have a lengthy path ahead. Success will only come through hard work, deep knowledge about the skill and constant practice. Professional digitizers have spent years in training to perfect their skill.
We recommend you only choose to undergo the entire phase only if you are to make it your career. But if you are thinking to go through the learning process for the sake of a few files, reconsider your options. There is no need to invest a hefty amount and then spend months if not years to train yourself. You can make the right choice to hire a professional for as low as $10.
It is true that unlike the other online services, digitizing is affordable in every sense. You can request a free quote today. Let our professionals digitize a file that fulfills your requirements. You can ask for an extra fast delivery to get embroidering within no time. When working with us, your projects are smooth, quickly delivered and as per your expectations.
Stop spending sleepless nights on your PC for a task that can be done for as low as $10. Simply hire the professionals who pay special attention to your requirements. Have your file converted and delivered to your inbox without delay. Keep the file in a safe place and use it as many times as needed. Files digitized by Absolute Digitizing have no expiry date and the quality remains intact.
If you think that your file conversion will cost a fortune and you are unsure about the price. Talk to our experts via the live chat or send us an email.