Available in eight sizes with a
cure area of 16” x 16” - 40” x 50”
The Rapid Wave Flash is the curing unit of choice for high-volume shops. The Rapid Wave features ultra-fast medium wave quartz lamps with variable lamp intensity control. Quartz Flashes uses state-of-the-art quartz tubes for rapid flash curing and is the next step up from using an infrared flash cure. Quartz flashes heat quickly and shut down between cures to save electricity and reduce heat in the shop. The Rapid Wave Flash has three independently controlled zones, front, center and back. The Rapid Wave Flash Cure is available in five models, from standard (16” x 16”) flash areas up to over-sized (30” x 40”) flash areas.
INFRARED SHUTTLEAvailable in three sizes with a curing area of 16" x 16", 18" x 20", or 20" x 28"
The Infrared Shuttle flash dryer is an affordable alternative to quartz flash cures. Radiant infrared panels offer consistent heat throughout the production run. The Infrared Shuttle mounts onto the print head of Anatol automatic presses and uses the stroke movement to provide even curing for substrates of all sizes. The Infrared Shuttle can also be mounted on a stand for use with manual or non-Anatol automatic screen printing presses.
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