PromoStores is a web-based e-commerce solution (and more!) that works with your ShopWorks OnSite system to take orders off the web without "double data entry". It's built-in "shopping cart" features are completely customized for our industry.
This powerful technology has 2 main applications:
1. Your company wants to add the ability for customers to view and shop for products on your site. Unlike "links" to supplier sites, you want to control all of the product and pricing. More importantly, when an order comes in you don't want to have to enter it manually into your OnSite system.
2. You have larger customers who want their own "branded" company stores. This online store would be designed and maintained for them only, and administered by you. When orders come in off the web site they would be brought into your OnSite system without having to re-enter the information.
Unlike traditional "HTML" solutions, PromoStores is a 100% dynamic, database-driven product. Want to add a page or product to your web site? Access the administrative "back-end" and with a few clicks the product or page are added immediately.
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