Tri-Light CTS has two methods of exposing screens. Two outer latches provide access to a conventional glass-and-vacuum blanket capable of handling screens up to 132 x 152 cm (52” x 60”). A center latch bypasses the glass and vacuum in favor of an adjustable CTS rack system for exposing computer-generated screens directly to the light. The separation provided by the rack system eliminates the smearing and distortion that can result from screen-to-glass contact. On conventional screens, NuArc’s unique manifold system ensures intimate contact by drawing vacuum evenly around the perimeter of the blanket frame.
NuArc’s computerized and programmable integrator/controller ensures precise vacuum duration and lamp output compensation. Exposures are powered by NuArc’s multi-spectrum metal-halide System 631™, which idles at 1 kW and operates at user-selected settings of 6 kW, 3 kW and 1 kW. The 3 kW and 1 kW settings allow operators to slow down exposures when necessary. They also extend Tri-Light’s ability to adapt to future emulsion formulas. Tri-Light CTS also features NuArc’s exclusive Proportional Temperature Control (PTC). PTC continuously monitors lamp temperature, turning the cooling fans on and off to keep the lamp at the optimum operating temperature. Tri-Light CTS can be located in areas housing unexposed screens because the light source and vacuum frame are enclosed, and the exposure lamp can’t be turned on while the blanket frame is open.
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