Spot Process Separation Studio Delivers Expert One-Click Separations

Press Release from Freehand Graphics, Inc.

Holbrook, NY (September 5, 2013) Spot Process Separation Studio Software Version 3 Update has been released. This FREE Update delivers a SINGLE CLICK Button to adjust (pump-up) colors. This User Interface option provides instant color adjustment to each Spot Process Channel (under-base, spectral colors, black and the overprint white). User's retain the valuable ability to individually color adjust any or all colors (targeted and universal).

"While claims of one click separating have circulated for years" states Charlie Facini, President & CEO of Freehand Graphics, Inc." "Freehand is not a bandwagon jumper. Instead we collected and analyzed file data and prints since the first version release. Tens of thousands of clients have produced millions of impressions. It is the analysis of our data that has culminated into the greatest single click separation starting point for some users and an ending point for many others. First time users will produce impressive prints at a level only available to seasoned professionals. From that point you can take your business anywhere your skills allow. Screen-printers are only limited by their present knowledge. Freehand gives the industry the tools to learn and grow. As simple as Separation Studio has already made color separating tonal image files for the industry, we are excited to increase user productivity and on-press confidence for our users. We expect this version release to be very well received".

With the release of the first version of the software 18 years ago Spot Process took file separation production time from hours or even days to minutes, and made it predictable through a mathematical algorithm that accurately de-compiles file data. This Version Update brings separation production time down to just seconds.

Laura Franco, VP of Sales, explains "we have thousands of dedicated Spot Process users worldwide that want to deliver Spot Process work to their customers and maximize their profits. With this Version 3 Update every level user has the tool to deliver their best press prints ever while keeping downtime low and accuracy at an all-time high." The FREE Trial and the FREE Version Update (Macintosh and Windows) is ready to download at:
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