Sentri Soft-Hand Enhancers

Available from International Coatings
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International Coatings’ line of Sentri soft-hand enhancers are here: 3816 Sentri Clear and 3819 Sentri Clear, 3817 Sentri Black, and 3818 Sentri Curable Reducer.

The Sentri Line was developed in response to customer demand and has been tested at some of North America’s largest printers. Current fashion trends feature soft-hand prints on T-shirts, button-down shirts, even on skirts and dresses. The feedback from our customers has been overwhelmingly positive. In fact, the Sentri line has become one of our top sellers within the first two months of its introduction.

3816 Sentri Clear can be mixed with finished colors or
color concentrates or used as an extender base, curable thinner, or as a top clear coat for reducing fibrillation.

3817 Sentri Black offers a deep black color that looks and feels similar to a water base print; and it works well with fine mesh counts.

3818 Sentri Curable Reducer offers much improved hand over other viscositymodifying products and extends yield when used as an additive.

Order your Sentri products today and test them for yourself! The Sentri line of soft-hand enhancers is
available through International Coatings’ exclusive network of distributor companies. For more information, visit

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