Distressed or vintage looks are hot fashion trends! International Coatings Company’s™ new
3822 Destructo™ White special effects ink allows printers to create unique vintage or antique looks, simply and easily. Pull, stretch, or crumple Destructo™ White prints after curing and theny crack and split apart.
3822 Destructo™ White was developed specifically in response to customer demand for an ink that could imitate flaking or weathered paint. It prints smoothly, and is formulated for high-performance printing.
3822 Destructo™ White cures at 350°F (170°C), slightly higher than the cure temperature for conventional plastisol inks. Stretch or crumple the fabric after curing to achieve a distinctive cracking effect.
Get today’s fashion look the easy way. Order your 3822 Destructo™ White today and see it for yourself!
3822 Destructo™ White is available through International Coatings’ exclusive network of distributor companies. For more info, visit www.iccink.com.
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