Jet-Kleen™ Series Safe Personnel Blow-Off and Drying System

Available from AWT World Trade Inc.
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Safely speed up your screen cleaning and preparation process with the Jet-Kleen series of high-performance personnel blow-off systems from Specialized Safety Products and A.W.T. World Trade, Inc. The Jet-Kleen series provides fast, effective, and safe drying of screens, and Jet-Kleen units have numerous other uses in screen printing workshops and production facilities.

Screen printers cleaning and preparing screens often resort to dangerous and potentially lethal compressed air to speed up the drying process. The dangers associated with the use of compressed air systems in commercial and industrial facilities are well-documented by medical researchers and regulatory authorities such as OSHA and the Council of Europe. Moreover, high-pressure compressed air may damage screens and other screen printing accessories.

Jet-Kleen units utilize a blower-driven system to deliver a high volume of air at an ultra-safe 1.9-3.0 psi, depending on the model selected, which is an effective pressure range for most screen drying applications and well within applicable OSHA guidelines.

- Fast, safe drying of screens and numerous other workshop uses
- Safer and more efficient than compressed air
- Clean air output at 1.9 – 3.0 psi
- Cost-effective blower-driven system
- Quiet operation at no more than 78db
- Rugged, heavy-duty construction with chip guard

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